
Bob Thomas

Bob Thomas, circa well, a long time ago…

“Bob Thomas, World Famous Author”

That statement may not be entirely true, but I can dream can’t I ?

I love to write. I do it primarily to entertain myself, but I’ve discovered over the years that others seem to enjoy my writing too. So, a blog seemed to be a good idea. I’ll have to wait and find out if you readers agree with me.

I started writing in order to keep in touch with the artists and craftspeople in my gallery –  and I enjoyed it tremendously. After Hurricane Bertha in 1996 I wrote a letter to the editor of the local paper about my trials and tribulations after the hurricane.  A friend ‘demanded’ that I send it to “Chicken Soup for the Soul” – I did. They paid me $300.00 and published it in “A Fifth Portion of Chicken Soup”. Sometime later I was published on line at www.deadmule.com , then again more recently. So blame them for making me think I could write.

I write like I talk –  you have to add you own punctuation where you think it’s appropriate – and spelling is subject to correction – and sentence structure is… well it’s not perfect.  Blame all of the above on Ms. Jantzen, my 7th grade English teacher. If she had spent less time throwing pencils and erasers at me, maybe I would have learned a bit more.

 Anyway, if you like what you read, I’m glad. If not, keep it to yourself.

I hope you enjoy.